Infinite Entropy 18 #1
Infinite Entropy
The way I think visually is with lines — it’s very simple, and very quick; it’s similar to drawing diagrams. But for this piece I was drawing circles, and though it’s still the simple instruction of a circle, I also added a level of transparency that I hadn’t used before. The content of the circle becomes transparent over the spreading out, the further you get from the center. With this piece I also wanted to play with the idea of emptiness and things being filled up and busy. There’s constantly a tension between where you feel like there’s some space and where it feels very crowded. The script is simple: it’s just these circles moving from the center outward, getting bigger. They’re not moving towards you, but there is a false sense of depth, like moving through clouds. I’ve always liked the kinds of paintings where you're suggesting depth, but it’s barely there. — Rafaël Rozendaal