*VFD CUU*, 2016-17
Presented by SOLOS
Fixed price
2 reserved

This work is exclusively physical and is not accompanied by a corresponding token.

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Physical edition of 3
1 available, 2 sold
Vacuum fluorescent display, custom electronics and software, wooden enclosure
21.8×8.8×6 cm

Vacuum fluorescent displays have been used since the ’70 in cash registers, auto radios and ovens. Usually they present an alpha-numeric matrix. Each element of the matrix is made of a smaller matrix of dots which can emit light in different brightness. The original limited series of letters and signs typographical of the Latin and Japanese alphabet is used to create a sequence of abstract compositions.

This is a physical piece not accompanied by a corresponding token.

Year created
2016 - 2017
600 x 338
File size
4.11 MB
Artist royalty
Token standard