[This project contains audio, click to start]
Night Sea presents "microcosm", an audiovisual artwork expressing the longing for wisdom, and the connection between inner and outer space. A series of hazy orbs merge and dissolve, producing apparitions of moonlit sea foam surging and receding on a cosmic shoreline. A soundscape exploring the haunting beauty of the night sky slowly unravels, punctuated by flickering crystalline tones, insects buzzing, and rumbling waves of distant thunder. "microcosm" seeks to represent the subtle glimpses of reality which emerge from the emptiness of the mind during the meditative state. The work continues Night Sea’s intention of producing endlessly evolving artworks through web technologies.
Key controls:
“r” → Records a 30 second clip
“f” → Toggle fullscreen mode
”1” → Switch between the composition and the original audio loop