The red cloth, devouring the history, all the years of creativity. What is left to see; a fake artist, one with machine. Unveil the red to see past the surface, what is behind of those who create.


"I thought this was real art not AI"

Never thought, that after journey of 27 years with art, I'd be told it to be fake. How did this happen? I added just one tool as part of my craft; Ai. Somehow I became a fake artist over one night.

Experimentation is where the piece began; I found out how the color red dominates and hides other colors behind itself. This discovery was put on a shelf, waiting for its moment to come alive one day. Time passed by, and then awaited, day came. The devouring red flooded back from my memory, as I learned more about the theme of the drop; it were the perfect fit for the concept; a metaphor for how two letters can erase and hide the whole history of the artist, to them to be seen fake.

Each element of the piece has their own symbolism; Red cloth symbols Ai, the pencil drawing my past with art and the hands my journey as a digital artist. 

These elements were combined and layered together, red cloth hiding the pencil drawing while arms raised the weight up. This symbolizes how once a person is curious enough and opens their heart to accept and learn of Ai, they are able to lift the red to see the whole piece and learn the whole story of the artist.

Some of the positive receptions changed after the viewer learned work involves Ai, love turned to anger. The piece itself didn't change, nor did the artist or the viewer; only knowledge regarding the piece did. What art mean to us dives more deeper than just the surface. Every work is a two-way mirror. I paint my world on canvas, that one life only one has ever lived through. So does the viewer, they see themselves in the piece, their own life and their world. One artwork seen by thousand will become thousand new artworks with a unique stories. This reflection of the emotions Ai makes the person feel, will become the only truth of what they see; it takes only two letters to red to paint in.

Remove the red, see past the veil.

The original drawing is hidden inside the colors data, behind the color red. This is where curiosity and opening heart to learn comes into play. By removing the color red from the data, just like removing thoughts that Ai cannot be art, you will be able to see the whole picture; no matter what tools you use, your creativity and intention to make art, makes what you do a piece of art. Creativity and curiosity can never be held down; they will always rise— art will never die.

Jenni Pasanen

Death of Art



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Jenni Pasanen
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