Ray Marching the New Moon February 27, 2025
Ray marching is a mathematical technique to discover geometry in an otherwise unknowable environment. A ray begins its journey with a specific heading from a point of origin. At each step, it computes the distance to every known geometric element in the environment, then advances precisely as far as the minimum distance found. This continues until the minimum distance is so small, we consider it a collision, and stop. This work uses ray marching to explore an environment of darkened spheres.
Every component of the computation is rendered, the ray as a line, the minimum computed distance as circles, and the collision as a solid dot. The result is a spectacular partial illumination of light moving through space.
Each edition is unique. At genesis, a random number of occluding spheres and rays are instantiated. Arrangement of the objects is ordered by chaos in some editions and with bilateral symmetry in others. Every ray is marched until collision.
The New Moon editions are rendered minimally, in black and white. While the occluding spheres are not explicitly rendered, their presence is implied through the process of ray marching the scene.
The Full Moon editions are rendered maximally, every ray, minimum circle, and collision point rendered in full color.
This work explores computational exploration in darkness and the alluring mystery of our moon.
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