An Observation made within Sam Spratt's "IX. The Monument Game" - To ___, I vow to be your everything. I vow to do everything together. There will be failures, victories, struggles, and triumphs. Together we will endure. We will create. We will hurt. We will grow. We will parent. We will sacrifice. Together we will make our delusions reality. You are the love of my life. You are a visionary. You are tenacious. You are inspiring. I vow to love you and live life with you together forever. You once asked, are our worlds the same? Together, our worlds are now one. Love, ___


An Observation made within Sam Spratt's "IX. The Monument Game" - To ___, I vow to be your everything. I vow to do everything together. There will be failures, victories, struggles, and triumphs. Together we will endure. We will create. We will hurt. We will grow. We will parent. We will sacrifice. Together we will make our delusions reality. You are the love of my life. You are a visionary. You are tenacious. You are inspiring. I vow to love you and live life with you together forever. You once asked, are our worlds the same? Together, our worlds are now one. Love, ___

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To ___, I vow to be your everything. I vow to do everything together. There will be failures, victories, struggles, and triumphs. Together we will endure. We will create. We will hurt. We will grow. We will parent. We will sacrifice. Together we will make our delusions reality. You are the love of my life. You are a visionary. You are tenacious. You are inspiring. I vow to love you and live life with you together forever. You once asked, are our worlds the same? Together, our worlds are now one. Love, ___