An Observation made within Sam Spratt's "IX. The Monument Game" - Does anything truly exist beyond our own mind? We see only what our mind allows, the picture through the foggy lens of fear and hope. I see the best of me, building the temple of a better world, lending a hand to those that still cling to solid ground for fear to Wander the unknown. I see the worst of me, the masks I wear, the moments where I'm raw and cruel and push others away. And all the while she holds me at the edge, I feel her hand in mine, and I see not what I am, but the best that I can be.


An Observation made within Sam Spratt's "IX. The Monument Game" - Does anything truly exist beyond our own mind? We see only what our mind allows, the picture through the foggy lens of fear and hope. I see the best of me, building the temple of a better world, lending a hand to those that still cling to solid ground for fear to Wander the unknown. I see the worst of me, the masks I wear, the moments where I'm raw and cruel and push others away. And all the while she holds me at the edge, I feel her hand in mine, and I see not what I am, but the best that I can be.

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Does anything truly exist beyond our own mind? We see only what our mind allows, the picture through the foggy lens of fear and hope. I see the best of me, building the temple of a better world, lending a hand to those that still cling to solid ground for fear to Wander the unknown. I see the worst of me, the masks I wear, the moments where I'm raw and cruel and push others away. And all the while she holds me at the edge, I feel her hand in mine, and I see not what I am, but the best that I can be.
Finalist - The Monument Game
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