The Owlaris are a race of owl-like dragons. The Owlaris are a peaceful race and value knowledge above all else, and guarding the lost secrets of Pathos. They maintain the Library of Centralis, a tower of knowledge built into an ancient and ornate lighthouse off the coast of the city. A towering lighthouse, lay on a rocky outcropping, in the middle of the harbor to Centralis.

The Library is staffed by the Owlaris, who are said to know every book in the Library by heart. They are also the keepers of the light, which is said to guide ships to safety in the darkest of storms. Hoarding the knowledge of the world of Pathos, a labyrinth of bookshelves line the walls. Bookshelves of ancient oak and Livstone, encircle the outer walls of the lighthouse, spiraling upwards to the ceiling. A grand chandelier of stained glass hangs in the center of the room, shedding light on the central tables. At the base of the ancient tower lay a large labyrinth of rooms carved out of the granite stone base. Leading to thousands of rooms full of ancient tomes and scrolls, some dating back to the time of the First Order of Eibon.

Wise beyond their years, they seek to fulfill the last wishes of the Great Scholar and Wizard Eibon, who created the Library. They seek to house the world's collection of all knowledge, in the hopes that one day all of Pathos will be as enlightened as they are. The Owlaris are a calm and patient race, content to wait for the day when all will come to them to learn. They are often seen as aloof and detached, but they are quick to help those in need. The Owlaris have a great gift for magic, and many of their spells are designed to help others. They are also skilled in the art of divination, and can often be found giving readings to those who seek their advice. 

The Owlaris are a neutral race, and do not take sides in the conflict between the Order and the Chaos. They believe that knowledge is the key to peace, and that understanding will eventually bring an end to the fighting.


Owlaris - Knowledge Seeker


A collection of 1/1 artwork created by DeltaSauce, minted via a personal Manifold contract. Each piece is labelled using properties to see what collection it is apart of.

All art is created using AI and Digital Manipulation (PS + Krita). Link to Social and Other Works: Linktree

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Contract address
Legends of Pathos
Year Minted