Nice Aunties Sushi Academy, abbreviated as NASA, is a unique cooking school located on the moon within the Auntieverse. This chapter embodies my personal desire for aunties to share their vast knowledge and exceptional cooking skills with the world. It envisions an educational institution dedicated to passing on the culinary expertise of aunties.
Within this chapter, you'll find scenes that explore the harvesting of fish and ingredients from the moon's cores, which is both absurd and a reflection of humanity's aspirations for interplanetary resource exploration. The imagery includes depictions of large cold storage facilities for ingredients, aunties demonstrating food preparation techniques, food processing facilities, and classrooms where culinary knowledge is imparted.


Chapter No. 10, Nasa #0909


Born in the 1980s, during the nation-building years of Singapore, the artist behind "Niceaunties" experienced a childhood shaped by the influential women in their family. From infancy to the age of nine, they lived with grandparents, aunties, and uncles while their parents worked.

"Niceaunties" was conceived as a response to these experiences. Utilizing AI, the artist created a surreal world where every suppressed being could exist freely and without judgment. "Niceaunties" represents the collective subconscious of all 'aunties,' celebrating self-love, risk-taking, fun, and freedom through self-expression. It provides a unique perspective on endearing, absurd, and sometimes negative behaviors. It serves as a commentary on societal norms imposed on women and the efforts women make to conform to these expectations. "Niceaunties" is a gentle yet powerful rebellion against these constraints.

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