The Tofu Engineered Sushi Luxury Autos, known as TESLA, is a concept in Auntieverse where vehicles are constructed entirely from biodegradable and edible materials. In this chapter, we find images of a manufacturing plant where groups of aunties assemble vehicles using tofu, sushi ingredients, and legs to create modes of transportation. On the highways of Auntieverse, we see a variety of vehicles resembling coaches, construction cranes, tractors, and smaller automobiles, all driven by cheerful aunties and accompanied by whimsical creatures. The chapter also includes scenes of car washes and a scrapyard, providing a comprehensive view of this unique world. It is worth noting that in the Hokkien dialect, the word for "car" sounds similar to "leg," leading to a common pun among Singaporeans who humorously claim to own "cars," signifying their reliance on their own legs for transportation.


Chapter No. 7, Tesla #0681



Born in the 1980s, during the nation-building years of Singapore, the artist behind "Niceaunties" experienced a childhood shaped by the influential women in their family. From infancy to the age of nine, they lived with grandparents, aunties, and uncles while their parents worked.

"Niceaunties" was conceived as a response to these experiences. Utilizing AI, the artist created a surreal world where every suppressed being could exist freely and without judgment. "Niceaunties" represents the collective subconscious of all 'aunties,' celebrating self-love, risk-taking, fun, and freedom through self-expression. It provides a unique perspective on endearing, absurd, and sometimes negative behaviors. It serves as a commentary on societal norms imposed on women and the efforts women make to conform to these expectations. "Niceaunties" is a gentle yet powerful rebellion against these constraints.

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