Travess Smalley’s _KICK-NELINE_ print features an area of a generated level created by his _CRAWL_ Python code. The colors within the original map have been flattened and thresholded to black-and-white values. Unlike more traditional prints, where one woodblock is used to create multiple prints in an edition, Smalley uses each woodblock to pull only one print, making each a unique object. _KICK-NELINE_ is the result of a transformation from pixels, to cut wood, to ink on paper; as an object, it spans thousands of years of image-reproduction technology. Collected prints also include the corresponding digital image sent to the collector’s digital wallet. (This is the image that was used to create the print. It is inverted (black is white, and white is black) because of how the printing process works.)u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIf you collect _KICK-NELINE_, please make sure to add your email and shipping address to your Feral File account and we’ll be in touch about shipping the artwork.

Travess Smalley




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