
Superbloom #93


“Superbloom" by Elsif captures the ephemeral floral beauty of spring on the Pacific Coast. An experiment in creating 144 individual artworks that connect together, with each piece flowing seamlessly into the next, inviting you on an endless walk through a meadow by the sea.

Memory’s nostalgia is presented as the peaceful calm of an ocean breeze flows over the flowers and grass. The art style transitions between clear geometric shapes and loose painterly strokes, which heightens the appreciation of the knowledge that “Superbloom" is created with code rather than a paintbrush. The influence of traditional Chinese art shines through in the continuous landscape, the elegant movement of calligraphic brushes echoing in the implied movement across the horizon.

Elsif worked directly with the themes of the exhibition, choosing to create a continuous piece that pulls at the threads of connection and the fluid exchange of ideas.

Interactive keyboard controls: [f] Fill the current window (press ‘f’ again to get back to the original aspect ratio). [g] Toggle the background texture. [m] Change the margin amount. [s] Save a PNG image of the live view, default resolution is 1500 × 2000 pixels. [j] Save a JPEG image of the live view, default resolution is 1500 × 2000 pixels. [1]-[3] Change the output resolution, up to 4500 × 6000 pixels.

URL parameters: &aspect=[an aspect ratio between 0.25 and 4, default is 0.75] &texture=[a roughness value greater than or equal to 0, default is 0.8] &margin=[the amount of margin around the painting (try 20 to 150), default is 20] &fill=[true/false, whether to fill the window]

“N=12 is an experiment in building intentional community, with 12 artists collaborating across seven time zones. Contemporary computer-based artists create their work while connected to an effectively infinite network of information. This affords artists the capacity for infinite input and collaboration, leaving them to distill these disparate connections and experiences into their artwork. Distinctly, the computer artist’s principal tool for creation is also a means for connection. This exhibition leans into the inherent proximity of computer users by explicitly asking 12 artists to create work while in constant dialogue with one another. These artists convened and collaborated online over several months, sharing their code and artistic processes while fostering a co-creative microcosm enriched by weekly meetings, aesthetic critiques, code reviews, and vibrant discussion.” — Aaron Penne

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Feral File - N=12
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