The sun was setting over the ancient city of Coba, casting long shadows across the vast stone Temple Stadium as the crowd inside cheered for their favorite team. Two groups of fierce Maya Jaguar Warriors clad in ceremonial armor were ready to compete in the traditional Mesoamerican Ballgame: Pok-A-Tok.

As the match progressed, the tension between both sides grew until finally one player managed to slip past his opponent and drive the ball into the back of the net! Cheers erupted from all corners of the arena as the victorious team ran onto the court to celebrate their victory. It had been a hard-fought battle, but it seemed like only moments ago when the same crowd were chanting and drumming in unison, urging on their heroes. 

Such was life in this alternate reality; here the Spanish conquistadors had never arrived, and the great cities of the Mayans still stood proudly in the heart of Mexico. 


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