Ghost Forest Seedling #443
Ghost Forest Seedlings is Maya Lin’s first-ever generative art project, extending Lin’s acclaimed 2021 installation, Ghost Forest, presented at Madison Square Park in New York. Both projects exemplify Lin’s lifelong environmental activism, in which she has used art to examine the Earth’s vulnerability and the impact of the climate crisis. Ghost Forest Seedlings is presented by Pace Verso and E.A.T__WORKS.
Each Ghost Forest Seedlings artwork includes a unique 23” x 23” print signed by Lin. Click here for more information on claiming your unique print:
Ghost Forest Seedlings captures the organic growth patterns of a living, underground network of tree roots. The artworks depict a seed or group of seeds growing into an intricate root pattern, or seedling. Eschewing most computer-derived growth patterns, which create geometric and fractal patterning, the algorithm Lin has created generates artworks with growth patterns that are