With chaos comes more chaos. Things become unpredictable as seasons change, as heat rises, as panic ensues.  

‘chaos becomes inverted, not averted’ are inversions of the works of my generative project 'chaos comes with the summer haze' released by Art Blocks in 2023. Their twins can be found by matching token numbers.

My inspiration for these inversions parallels their generative twin project. It is beauty and fear - the beauty of the land, the water, the flowers, the beauty of paint and code, the beauty of humanity – the fear of panic and mob mentalities, the fear of incongruity and environmental collapse, the fear of humankind. It is from the obsessiveness, visual overload, content overload, and our aching yet hopeful eyes as we stare towards the horizon.

Cole Sternberg

chaos becomes inverted, not averted #69


With chaos comes more chaos. Things become unpredictable as seasons change, as heat rises, as panic ensues.

‘chaos becomes inverted, not averted’ are inversions of the works of my generat...

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