A continuation of the work I started in the summer of 2023 where I explored an ecology of human and machine: training several AI models on my own body and my own algorithms, then fusing them. My naked human self with my naked algorithmic self, interpreted by a black-box (naked?) neural network. Which one is my true identity? The one expressed by the visual aspect of my body, output of my genes + their environment over the years? The one expressed by the visual aspect of my algorithmic output, shaped by code that is created by a brain which is an output of my genes? Which one is more me, my given me or my me created by my own intent? Is my intent mine, or an expression of a combination of genes?

javascript, p5.js, stable diffusion trained on my photographies of myself and output of my generative code.

Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez

identity studies: the naked (human/machine) self (i)

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