Tibout Shaik

We Vielen Met De Sterren #110


We Vielen Met De Sterren is my next exploration in audiovisual generative work. In a lot of ways it's a continuation of techniques used in my previous art collection (Dis)connected, but centered around an entire new topic. Writing has always been an integral part of my life, We Vielen met De Sterren is a combination of my two main forms of artistic expression (writing and generative art). The work is inspired and crafter around a poem I wrote roughly six years ago. Both the visual and auditory work is entirely long form and generatively created using vanilla JavaScript (no external libraries were used). The passing of time is a consistent theme throughout the work. The piano melody and accompanying animation change each day, you will also witness the starting darkness of your piece being dependent on the time you're looking at the piece. With a little bit of encoding magic with help from Piter Pasma, a highly compressed recording of the poem is hidden in the work and can be accessed by

Token standard
Contract address
Border Color
White Border
Canvas Fill
Color Range
Last Call Lament
Cube Size
Huge Cubes
Cube Style
One Sided Cube & Full Outline
Someone Stole The Piano Keys
No, they're all here.
No activity found.