~Return to the Town~
I gazed in the starry sky looking for my dragon
Barely managed to climb terrace walls
Sitting on the edge waiting for my dragon 
Shouted my friend from far 
Oh little fool, dragons are myth!

I cared not and waited 
for I believed that one-day my dragon will come
Caring nothing but about the dream I saw 
My dragon, My protector 

I looked for signs everywhere
Though it wasn't the books I memorized but tales of dragons that floated in my head

Time flew and I was grown up
Returned to my town with memories of past
Little me lost in those lanes
Looking for my dragon

An old lady said child, come close
She said you wondered where the dragon is
Little did you know that it was always inside you 
Your Protector, Your Dragon
Always guiding you in your life 
And it will continue to do
The moment I looked towards the sky
She vanished into the thin air 
I wondered who she was
And how she knew about the dragon tale
I started walking slowly and stared up in the sky  "

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