It’s not that I don’t like the logistics industry. I actually like seeing the drivers every day, they’re crazy guys. I’ll talk to some of them at lunch as they come in, or sometimes they’ll come in while I’m working late and just drink till they can’t see. They sleep in their trunks. Sometimes I’ll sleep here too. Anyways, it’s just that temporary work is always hard to get attached to. And no one wants to get attached to you either, so you’re kind of always given the office no one wants. I guess it’s like driving a truck you don’t own. So I never decorate.

Summer Wagner

Ernest in His Office at the Trucking Company


Like burls on a tree, twisting and gnarled, the vignettes in Midamerican Fever Dream show us the dark beauty of scars, resilience and awkward healing. With the camera, we cut into four characters' inner worlds as they undergo a transformative experience of theatrical self-reflection.

In a fresh and innovative use of transmedia storytelling Midamerican Fever Dream will be released over four 'Waves'. The story will unfold across ten 1/1 NFTs, ten 1/1 physical-only artworks, and a 250 edition Doppelgänger-enabled collection powered by Transient Labs that will bring collectors along for a dynamic and evolving journey with each new Wave. Together, the collection asks questions that pry into the cliches of cultural dogma, the delicate nature of family dynamics, and the quest for personal change in a feverishly normative landscape.

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Summer Wagner
2023:09:23 17:30:07
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