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Unpatterned is a curatorial duo formed by London-based curators Irene Thiella and Tamara Admoni. After first meeting during their MFA studies in the Curating programme at Goldsmiths University, they started collaborating on diverse curatorial projects, including exhibitions, artistic events and workshops. The duo aspires to form new relationships, facilitate access to art and connect people and communities through artistic and curatorial practices. Slow Curating sits at the core of Unpatterned, as their main curatorial practices focus on ideas of care, long processes of collaborations with artists and communities, mutuality and accessibility.

Tamara deals mainly with the ways we react to and are affected by aesthetic experiences (both socially and politically); expanding and combining art with varied cultural, philosophical, visual, and creative fields. Irene’s research focuses on socially-engaged art and practices, imagining a more holistic form of social practice that tries to answer the needs, desires and intentions of a community.