
Margaret Murphy

person photo


Margaret Murphy is an American artist and photographer working with cameras and prompts to create artworks that explore memories, post-photography, and image-making in the age of artificial intelligence. She released her series I Could Look at You All Day as part of the group drop TMRW together with Der Greif on Quantum, Future Pasts, Past Futures and RE: Road Trip with EXPANDED.ART, PASTICHE with Anika Meier on Foundation, and Tastebots with TranscendDao. Murphy was also part of UNSIGNED by Operator and Anika Meier.

Solo and group exhibitions featured her photography and post-photography, among others, at the Villa Heike and EXPANDED.ART in Berlin. Her work has been shown at galleries in Los Angeles, New York, London, and the Washington, DC, area. Murphy is represented by EXPANDED.ART.