
Licia He

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Shiqing (Licia) He, a generative artist and human-computer interaction researcher, grew up in China and currently resides in London, UK. Her cross-disciplinary artworks often draw inspiration from multicultural experiences. Licia He focuses on exploring the connections between art and technology, integrating human-machine interaction in her generative art practice. She combines visual art and programming to create innovative and expressive artworks. Her work frequently involves data visualization, human-machine interaction, and creativity support tools.

Licia He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Studio Art and Computer Science, and a PhD in Information Science from the University of Michigan, School of Information (Michigan, United States). Throughout her doctoral studies, she focused on the connections between art and technology, researching and publishing in areas such as data visualization, human-machine interaction, and creativity support tools. Licia He previously served as an assistant professor at Texas A&M University, School of Performance, Visualization, and Fine Art (Texas, United States), where she founded the Generative Craft Lab.