
Ferdinand Dervieux

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Ferdinand Dervieux is a digital artist who resides in Paris and has a transdisciplinary practice that involves emerging technologies. After studying art and art history, he joined an interaction design research lab in 2013. He enjoys collaborating with other artists to tell various stories while ensuring that the medium itself narrates its story and provokes questions in the viewer's or user's mind.

For the past decade, his award-winning works, including artistic installations, video games, documentaries, and virtual reality experiences, have been featured in museums and festivals around the world. In 2019, he returned to Paris from Japan, where he devoted a year to exploring and creating projects using photogrammetric techniques. He has since been delving into web3 and carrying out interactive experiments. Generative art has become his preferred medium over the past two years, especially for long forms, and his collections explore universal emotions while also questioning the web3 culture and ecosystem.