
Magical Realism: Part I

Opening event
Wednesday 14 December
6 - 8pm: Reception evening

On View
14 - 18 Dec 2022
4 Cromwell Place, South Kensington
London SW7 2JE

  • Artists
  • Sputniko!
  • Richard Nadler
  • Yazid
  • qubibi
  • Shunsuke Takawo

Inspired by author Haruki Murakami’s fictional worlds, Verse is pleased to present Magical Realism: a new group exhibition in two-parts, featuring Jesse Draxler, Jake Fried, Sputniko, Qubibi, Yazid, Shunsuke Takawo (generativemasks), Richard Nadler, Rudxane, Gary Edward Blum, and Nicolas Sasson. Cromwell gallery space.

Yazid is an artist from Brunei who uses code and algorithms to produce works of generative art. He finds joy in exploring concepts of minimalism, meaning, and the lines between...
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A label by Kazumasa Teshigawara focused on Digital Art. Kazumasa Teshigawara: Artist, interaction Designer, Web Designer, Lecturer (Tama Art University Faculty of Art and Design...
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Shunsuke Takawo
Shunsuke Takawo is a creative coder and educator living in Japan. He advocates Daily Coding as an activity to connect code to daily life and personal history and continues to...
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Inspired by author Haruki Murakami’s fictional worlds, Verse is pleased to present Magical Realism: a new group exhibition in two-parts, featuring Jesse Draxler, Jake Fried, Sputniko, Qubibi, Yazid, Shunsuke Takawo (generativemasks), Richard Nadler, Rudxane, Gary Edward Blum, and Nicolas Sasson.

Murakami’s stories place readers in a liminal space somewhere between the real and the imagined. Exploring the same eerily familiar space as Murakami, the works in ‘Magical Realism’ elevate and distort the material of everyday life to magical realms.

This exhibition will present a debut selection by some of the most distinctive curators in the digital and generative art space. These include Skygolpe and Junya Yamamine, who all present works that carefully unpick the seam of our shared reality.

‘Overhead, the two moons worked together to bathe the world in a strange light.’

Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

Exhibition content image
Exhibition content image

Part I will showcase a selection of notable Asian artist and Asia-themed artistic creations, including Shunsuke Takawo – presenting his generative masks limited edition inspired by Japanese patterns wagara 和柄, Sputniko, Qubibi, Yazid, and Richard Nadler.

Part I will showcase a selection of notable Asian artist and Asia-themed artistic creations, including Shunsuke Takawo – presenting his generative masks limited edition inspired by Japanese patterns wagara 和柄, Sputniko, Qubibi, Yazid, and Richard Nadler.