Paul PrudenceISO/IEC 10646
- Presented by
- Ivan Zhyzhkevych
Ivan Zhyzhkevych presents ISO/IEC 10646 by Paul Prudence. The series reinterprets the grid as a fabric of encoded patterns to celebrate the shared history of textiles and computing. It uses the Unicode block elements as a base material from which to weave nostalgic scenes from early digital culture and celebrate the grid's role in the encoding of universal knowledge.
Paul Prudence
Paul Prudence is a writer and artist. His essays have been featured in Reliquiae, Substance and Holo, he is also regular contributor to Neural Mag. His audio-visual work has been exhibited and performed internationally at intermedia arts festivals.
Ivan Zhyzhkevych
As a long-time collector with an unparalleled passion for digital art, Ivan curates from the heart.

Fragmented Texts: Exploring the Fluidity of Language with Mark Webster

Weaving the Digital: A Celebration of Unicode, Textiles, and Computing

In Her Own Space: Petra Cortright on Art, Life, and the American West