
Olga FradinaTexture Part II —  Imperfections

IRL exhibition Feb 22-26
4 Cromwell Place, South Kensington, London SW7 2JE

This project continues my research of generative textures. Sensing an expressive texture to the touch, perceiving a surface as warm or cool, contemplating subtle color combinations... As an interior designer with extensive experience, I have special attention to these ubiquitous sensual adventures.

Texture Part II is part of the group exhibition Imperfections. Through a series of long form projects by generative artists, this exhibition explores the role imperfections play in the creation of art, and how the pursuit of artistic perfection is seemingly a paradoxical endeavour.

Olga Fradina, *Texture Part II*, Output detail

Olga Fradina, Texture Part II, Output detail

Olga Fradina, *Texture Part II*, Output detail

Olga Fradina, Texture Part II, Output detail

‘It is somewhat similar to Japanese poetry, when a minimum of words are immersed in a whole universe of sensations. The Textures series, I explore just such subtle states. ’

Olga Fradina

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The artworks in this exhibition can be purchased in digital format only.


Olga Fradina

Olga Fradina is a generative and digital artist.

With a background in graphic design and a successful career in interior design spanning over two decades, Fradina has long aspired to fully realize her artistic potential.

In the early months of 2022, Fradina began a series of experimental endeavors utilizing various software applications in an effort to establish her unique stylistic...

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