Eric AndwerConstraint
- Presented by
- Ivan Zhyzhkevych
For so many artists, their work is a way of processing emotion. The inherent humanity of creative expression does not cease when a computer is introduced. In many cases, just like pencils, paint, paper, clay: code is merely a tool with which to bring these emotions to life. Eric Andwer’s latest series Constraint is evidence of this.
The works battle with the constraints we experience as we move through life. They visualise the emotions that can overwhelm us, and provide a therapeutic outlet.
Eric’s imagination has always been awash with images that he wanted to bring into existence, but believing his drawing skills were inadequate, it wasn’t until he found generative art that he had a medium that allowed him to do so. Upon discovering Art Blocks, a door was opened, and in 2020 Eric began creating art through code.

Constraint, 2023
Eric holds transparency in high regard - he’s struggled with depression, and he recognises that sometimes life is messy. For him creating art is like opening the pressure valve on the emotions that build up within. It is somewhere to deposit anger, frustration, anxiety and depression to create something beautiful. It is a transformative, expressive alchemy. It allows people to take raw emotion and connect with others through a shared passion, the love of art.

Constraint, 2023

Constraint, 2023
Life is full of constraints. We are governed by social norms that dictate what is and isn’t acceptable. Sometimes we must mask our emotions but, in creating Constraint, Eric felt he was able to shed the mask and break through the ties that bind us, embracing imperfections.
It is tempting to ask the interminable question, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Are these outputs steeped in emotion because it was hard coded into their algorithm by Eric, or do the outputs stir our emotions because the impulse to connect and feel deeply is hard coded into us?

Constraint, 2023

Constraint, 2023
These imperfections can be seen in the sometimes scribbled, gritty texture of the outputs, and the drops and drips that proliferate, scattering across the images like life’s essence bursting out beyond repressive boundaries. Some outputs are dominated by bold blacks and reds and yellows, conveying aggression or confidence, and some have more muted colour palettes, just as we can feel subdued and defeated at times. Some outputs are chaotic and others minimal, conveying feelings of being overwhelmed and isolated respectively.

Constraint, 2023
Eric Andwer
Eric is a woodworker and generative artist based in the Midwest, USA.
He enjoys long walks on the beach, playing any instrument he can competently get his hands on, low-budget horror movies, and pontificating to his dog details regarding whatever existential crisis he is currently experiencing that given day. His art reflects a lot of things. Too many to list here. It’s often in relation to the...
Ivan Zhyzhkevych
As a long-time collector with an unparalleled passion for digital art, Ivan curates from the heart.

Fragmented Texts: Exploring the Fluidity of Language with Mark Webster

Weaving the Digital: A Celebration of Unicode, Textiles, and Computing

In Her Own Space: Petra Cortright on Art, Life, and the American West