
Anika Meier


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Anika Meier is an author and curator specializing in digital art. She writes a column for the German art magazine Kunstforum titled STATUS UPDATE about the developments around the topic of NFTs in the field of art. Right now, she‘s working on among others a book titled discussing Art NFTs with Micol Ap and Jesse Damiani, exhibitions and art NFT Linz for Francisco Carolinum in Linz, the UNESCO City of Media Arts.

She curated among others The Artist Is Online (2021) at KÖNIG GALERIE and at KÖNIG in Decentraland (together with Johann König), Exercise in Hopeless Nostalgia. The World Wide Webb by Thomas Webb at KÖNIG DIGITAL, Surprisingly This Rather Works by Manuel Rossner at KÖNIG DIGITAL, Link in Bio. Art After Social Media (2019/2020) at Museum of Fine Arts in Leipzig, Virtual Normality. Female Net Artists 2.0 at Museum of Fine Arts in Leipzig (2018/2019).