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RJ is a digital artist based in London, working with pixels, AI and GIFS. After reading Classics at Cambridge University, he went on to study an MA and then PhD in contemporary literature, in which he specialised in postmodernism, meta-modernism and theories of intertextuality.

His art continues to explore these areas, and is interested in the ways emerging technologies are impacting our relationships with creation, with the canon and, ultimately, ourselves

Creating art on the blockchain since 2021, RJ’s work has since been featured in curated digital and physical shows including HITCH SWITCHERS vol.3 - Doting on Dither (May 2023), Obkjt One’s ‘Digital Na(t)ive’ (July 2023), Explainer Gallery’s ‘Trader’ (June 2023), Holt’s Unidentified Art Object’ (March 2024), Kulturmuseum Bern’s Hommage a la Paul Klee (March 2024), and Accompart’s Horror Vacui (May 2024).

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